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Why wont my toilet flush?

Have you encountered the frustrating situation where the toilet won’t flush properly, or it just won’t stop flushing altogether. No need to panic! In this blog post, we’ll delve into the common reasons why toilets refuse to cooperate and provide you with some simple solutions to get things flowing smoothly again.

Have you ever experienced the frustration of a toilet that simply refuses to flush? It’s a common issue that can leave you feeling puzzled and inconvenienced. There are several potential reasons why your toilet may not be flushing properly.

Is there a blockage?

One possible cause could be a clog in the pipes or the trap beneath the bowl. This blockage can prevent proper water flow, resulting in a weak or incomplete flush. Another culprit might be a malfunctioning flapper or chain inside the tank, preventing adequate water from entering the bowl when you press down on the handle.

If your toilet won’t flush, it’s essential to investigate these possibilities and address them promptly to avoid further complications. Let’s explore some troubleshooting tips for resolving this irritating problem and getting your toilet back in working order!

Faulty Flush Valve or Float Mechanism 

A flush valve controls the flow of water into the bowl and if it’s not functioning properly, it can cause issues.

Another culprit might be an issue with the float mechanism in the tank. If it’s stuck or damaged, it can cause continuous running water which leads to non-stop flushing.

In some cases, sediment build up or mineral deposits could also be messing with your toilet’s ability to stop flushing. These blockages can disrupt the normal flow of water and keep things running longer than they should.

How can we help?

When experiencing problems with your plumbing it is usually best to enlist the help of a qualified plumber who will be able to diagnose and rectify the issue efficiently and promptly. Our engineers carry spare plumbing parts in their vans so depending on the issue it can be fixed there and then.

To book a plumber call 01258 472132 or email or fill in the enquiry form.

Remember, maintaining your toilet is essential for its proper functioning, so don’t hesitate to address any problems as soon as they arise. A well-maintained toilet will not only save you from inconvenience but also prevent potential water damage in your home.

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